Take best available in both the worlds, east and the west, and create a beautiful society.

In 1980, we organized a conference on Ayurveda for the first time in New Delhi. All senior knowing of Ayurveda and top doctors of AIIMS were called. Something interesting happened there. I asked all the doctors what is the food value of turmeric. One of the allopathic doctors said that it is just pigmentation, and it has no nutritious value. While Ayurvedic doctor said that it is anti-oxidant, and it arrests aging. After ten years, in 1990, Allopathic doctors come up with a search saying the same that turmeric is an antioxidant, and it helps to arrest the ageing of the cells. So, the knowledge which our people know thousands of years ago, the Ayurveda, which is a complete medicine system, took so much time to get accepted.

Also Neem, and other sacred herbs like Amla and Lemon carry so much value, and they all are anti-oxidants. You know, what is the value of kadhipata which is put in chiwra, which we put in every fried thing? It reduces bad cholesterol. If somebody is having problem related to cholesterol, just serve him/her kadipata chutney in copper utensil, and it will be cured. Some allopathic medicines taken to cure it, adversely effects liver and kidney. So, these are so wonderful things our country had.
In 1980, we lifted up the Panchakarma and several Ayurvedic expert doctors joined us, and traveled with us. They can tell, with only pulse diagnosis, if anybody is suffering from any problem, or may suffer in the near future. There have been so many examples where major illnesses have been cured.

I remember one incident when the person was astonished after listening to his medical history, without having been shared it with the doctor, from the doctor after pulse diagnosis. In such a way there are not only one or two, but thousand of incidents. We need to do proper documentation of data, and proper research work. We need to have scientific mind and research oriented attitude. These we should learn from the west.

Q: I am a student and I am so much impressed with the education system here. Could you please tell me some of the values that I can take back along with me?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Respect the teachers. There is so much respect for the teachers in the Indian education system. That respect is missing in the western schools and colleges. Also respecting the elders is one of the beautiful cultural identities here.

So, we create a new wave where we take the best of the east and the west, and have a wonderful global family. Take best available in both the worlds, and create a beautiful society.

Q: Guruji, I am in a job where nothing gets done without bribing government officials. Give your guidance, now I am very much confused. How can I be a go-getter without giving bribe?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
You have to look into the eyes of those people who want bribe and tell them that, “look I am on the spiritual path, I am not going to bribe. If you want me to come fifty times, I will come, but I will not give any bribe.” Your voice style should be very firm and gentle, with much sweetness and firmness. Several times we speak the truth, but express with anger.

Speaking truth, but with anger in the background, or truth with hatred does not bring success. Speak firmly with sweetness. Just do it once or twice, and see what happens.

Q: Guruji, spiritually is religious conversion. Sometimes my mind says that religious conversion is because at least people are getting food, education, and healthcare. What do you say?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
No, you can have health-care, education, food everything without conversion too. Religion you are in is over you. You know, if someone likes a particular religion out of full interest, that is a different issue but alluring them with food, medical and all education should not be done.

Q: I have left my habit of drinking and smoking after the course. But my parents are still stuck up in these. What can I do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
If your mother or father had not done the course, and is drinking alcohol, then certainly you are not having a cordial relationship. Allure them by any means, and get them into the course, then see they will also leave any addictive habit. Today, the problem is that so many homes have become slave of alcohol. It is a matter of sadness.

There are so many children who ask how their parents can leave these bad habits. You have to do work for this. You have to apply some tactic. It is not only that only parents improve the children, sometimes children also improve their parents. How many of children are there whose parents have changed? Very good!

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

Intelligent devotee wanting to be stupid

Q: Money and power are much needed things nowadays. How can spirituality help me get these?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You don’t have to practice wrong in order to be rich. In fact, that will be very short lived. Spirituality enhances your intuitive power and positive energy thereby enhancing hit rate of your decisions taken.
Have you noticed that some people you meet, you feel like avoiding them, and some other people you meet, you feel like talking to them? Each one of us emits certain vibes. Vibes convey more than our words. If vibes change, everything changes. This way our interpersonal skills are also enhanced.

Q: I know one cannot be happy and married. But can one be married and enlightened?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why do you think that one cannot be happy and married? Why cannot you be happy and married as well? There are many bachelors who are not happy, and also there many married people who are happy. Happiness is an attitude which you chose. It all depends just on you. There are people with no jobs but are happy. There are people with jobs and are unhappy. Be wise and be happy. Do whatever – married, unmarried, employed, unemployed…But independent of what you are doing, you need to be happy.

Q: There are many cultures in the world. Are there things which work same everywhere?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Certain things work everywhere. Sudarshan Kriya works everywhere. Today you go to tip of Argentina and you will find the ‘Art of living’. You go to the North pole , and you will find the ‘Art of Living’. You go to Mongolia, and you will find the ‘Art of Living’. You go to Fiji, you go to tip of Newzeland, and you will find someone doing the Sudarshan Kriya. That is why everything in the ‘Art of Living’ is kept so universal.
At some point in time, there was so much oneness in the world. People of Peru in Argentina do similar things as that of the natives of Arunachal Pradesh. Native tribes of Arunachal Pradesh do similar things as done by people in Venkovour in British. People from both the places worship all four directions. There were lots of similarities among native inhabitants of different parts of the world. People in Lithuania greet you with bread and salt. As there is no ocean there, salt is a very precious commodity there. Similarly people in Kerala put a pot flowing with paddy outside their homes, which shows there is abundance in home, so people are welcome.
Certain things are same, and there are certain other things which are unique to each culture and country. Those differences should remain. Every culture and country should maintain that uniqueness. Russian people have beautiful folk dance. Danish have their beautiful ways.
Love, compassion, meditation, yoga – These are universal.

Q: My friends who have not done the course keep on asking me which meditation is best for them. What should I tell them?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are many CDs here. Any one will work.

Q: Is there life after death?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes.

Q: What will you say on the end of the world on 21 December 2012?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A fiction. A nice fantasy fiction.

Q: How do thoughts arise in the mind?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I leave that on you to wonder about. This is a secret, a top secret! Top secret cannot be said on the mike.

Q: What is Brahamcharaya?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I have talked about this in Yogasutras. You should listen to that. Brahama means infinite consciousness. Establishing mind in that infinite consciousness is Brahamcharaya.

Q: Dearest Guruji, I am very intelligent. I have heard that intelligent people cannot meditate. How can I be stupid?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Then even stupid people would not be able to meditate! Who has said you are intelligent? You have given yourself a certificate of being intelligent. One who certifies oneself or puts any label on oneself is a stupid. Asking this question has already made you what you desired to be. The very need to ask this question indicates that you are stupid!

Q: Should one give something to a beggar?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you find a very healthy and strong individual, then one should not encourage such a person. Also children should not be encouraged. Suppose if you find a very old, helpless lady then you should listen to what your mind says at that time. Listen to your intuition. But it is better to give food rather than money.

Q: Why do parents expect so much from their children?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You will come to know this in some years! But then you should remember that you also asked this question at some time in your life.

Q: You have done a lot for my life? What can we do for you?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The society needs you. The society is to be benefitted through you. Like you have felt happiness, same way you can bring this happiness to 10, 20, 50 people. When you are happy and others become happy through you, I will also be happier.

Q: There are so many staunch followers of the ‘Art of Living’. Why don’t we enter politics?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you have that inclination, you go ahead. I will give you support.

Q: It is difficult to earn money. Can you tell me some easy way?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You want everything to be easy. You should also put in some effort. If you have grown too old, I can tell you easy ways. You have enthusiasm, you are intelligent..

Q: After my course and Advance courses, my anger has been reduced to 80 percent. How can I completely get rid of anger?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The remaining 20 percent will also reduce. You can keep some anger with you also. It would be a good source of entertainment for others.

Q: What are the energy chakras in our body?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Your Advance course is still in continuation? Hold on to the question. Don’t go away. You will soon get to know.

Being young at heart means being enthusiastic, willingness to do anything and to create something new

Bangalore Ashram, India

(Sri Sri welcoming Yes plus youths to the Ashram)

All of you have come home. There is a lot of fun and knowledge for you here. There are many surprises waiting for you.
Youth means enthusiasm, fun, ready to do anything, to create something new - these are the qualities of a youth. And all of you have these qualities.
It is important for our society that this youthfulness finds place in millions of hearts. We have to multiply rapidly on this front. Even if 10 enthusiastic youth come up in a village, they can bring a lot of change in that village. They will remove any corruption and fanaticism prevailing nowadays.
I will give you two examples.

There was a woman in Mumbai who knew French language. She came to me and said, 'I know French. Please send me somewhere for service.'I said,'Ok. You can go wherever you like, and we will make the arrangements.' She went to the Ivory Coast. There were strong conflicts between Muslim and Christian groups. There was a lot of tension in villages. She organized an ‘Art of Living’ course for all the people in one village. Then she organized a course in another village where people from the opposing group lived. She got both the groups together. Christians went to the Muslim village and built a school there. Muslims built toilets for the Christian homes. Like this they became useful to each other and the whole conflict was resolved. One, two, three..like this problem was resolved in 10-15 villages. In 2008, the government of Ivory Coast rewarded the ‘Art of Living’ for the outstanding work. We will see a film about this in coming few days.
Many of you would have heard of Khakiyavadi village in Nanded district in Maharashtra. There is no board for any casts. There is just one board which says, 'Divya Samaj Nirman' (Divine Society).One-two people took the responsibility, and they organized Nav Chetna Shivirs and meditation camps for 600 families in this village. Earlier, it was a notorious village, but now satsang happens there every day. There are no druggists or alcoholics in the village anymore. There is no liquor shop in the village. Every home has a smokeless chullah (smokeless stove). The whole village is organic. There is a shop where there is no shopkeeper. Prices are printed on commodities. People pick up what they need and put the payment in a box. It has become a model village. It was such a notorious village, and now it has become a model village. The Government has given them the honor of a 'Clean and model village' and also given them monetary reward.

A few enthusiastic youths changed the face of Dharavi slum also. It is the largest slum in Asia. A quality school was also started there. Children, who used to wander on the streets, study there and pass with first class marks.
Delhi youths will also share their experiences of 'Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna' programme. Even government is also surprised with their enthusiastic work. There is still a lot to be done by them.
Each and every youth has this enormous power. Our youth will have enthusiasm and awareness. There are many who are angry and enthusiastic, which is very easy to be. But we want our youth to be enthusiastic and aware at the same time, who joyfully accomplishes the goal. What the goal is – Uplifting the society. Nobody should be suffering from starvation or depression. Nobody should be denied justice.

More in the next post..(Symphony of Snores)

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

Bhagwad Geeta will give you solace when life seems to be a battle

Bangalore Ashram, India
18 June 2010

Q: These practices bring so much inner comfort. If I do a lot of practice, will it make me more happy?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Don’t do too much of practice. Move ahead gradually. Do only as much as needed. Do that much to which your body gets accustomed to. You should not start doing 10 hours of practice all of a sudden.

Q: What is the difference between Ashtavakra Geeta and Bhagwad Geeta?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
One was sung in a royal palace and other in a battle field. You yourself see now what the difference is. It is like a song having different tunes. Both have their own value. When life seems to be a battle, Bhagwad Geeta will give you solace, and then Ashtavakra Geeta.

Q: My husband has yet not done the ‘Art of Living’ course. I want him to experience the same joy and knowledge. I have persuaded him by all means. Please guide me what to do now?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
You pray. It will happen.

Q: I started doing spiritual practices when I was 17 years old. I have tried many practices. After long practice of meditation, I have had many out of body experiences. At certain stage, my mind became dysfunctional and I was frightened. Can you please guide me?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Some people try different techniques, they try to learn everything being taught anywhere, and end up making a chaos out of it. That is why, all this happens. The path which is being guided here is very safe. Do as much as needed. If you try to follow all kinds of techniques, it creates a problem.

Q: Will I have more experiences?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Experience happens on its own, but don’t hanker for experiences.

Q: How to keep the God and world together?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
How can you keep them together? They are already one. Where is the question of combining them? In the nature of form, it is world, and same is God in its formless nature. You don’t have to do anything to bring them together.

Q: How can I be a selfless devotee? I have been doing business with you till now. What step should I take to be the same?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
This wish has arisen in you, so take it for granted that it has already started. I don’t mind even if you do business. Anyway, you would be getting much more than you give. Live joyfully. You wouldn’t encounter any loss even if you do business.

Conversation between a child and his teacher regarding God.

Child: What is God? What is Divinity?

Food is God.

So, the child went back and grew enough food. He understood the value of food and the effects of food on the body and mind. But then he thought, “food is not everything”. So, he again went to his teacher to ask the same.

Child: What is God? What is the supreme power that rules everything?

The prana (Life force) is God. The breath is God.

The child went back and spent his time in understanding about prana - How life force is entering and leaving our body. He had understood it, climbed that step, and so he came to know that that was not all. So, he went to his teacher again with that authentic willingness to know.

Child: I have understood about Prana but I am not yet satisfied. Please tell me, what is Divine? What is God?

Teacher: The mind is God.

Then he spent his time studying and observing the mind, and found – ‘some good thoughts come in the mind, some bad thoughts come in the mind. There is mind sometimes and there is no mind at some other times’. After spending a good amount of time, he felt that there was something more, and mind is not all. So, he again went to the teacher, and asked the same question.

Teacher: Knowledge is God.

Then he contemplated about knowledge, but he was not really satisfied. Knowledge is of course very much needed to move ahead. But he still felt there was something more, there was no juice there. So, he went to his teacher for the last time and very humbly asked the same question.

Bliss is Divine.

Then this boy went back, experienced bliss and all his questions disappeared by this time. He said that love and bliss is really nature of God.
Step by step, the teacher guided him on the path. That is why it is so important to take knowledge in the presence of a saint. It is more beneficial to listen from a Guru/Master because He doesn’t speak on the level of words only, but he speaks the very experience. Experience awakes experience in others. But the child never complained that there was something more to what he was told. He knew that a person who doesn’t know about food would not understand that bliss is God and same for other steps. A person having no food to eat cannot understand that bliss is God. That is why Food is important.

We have five types of Bodies..(Continued in the next post)
“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

Questioning mind stops when true happiness dawns

Bangalore Ashram, India
Q: Effect of one life’s karma is carried on to another lifetimes. How do we understand this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You sow a coconut tree two years back and it has grown today. Same way, until the impression of your previous done karma is there on your mind, that karma manages to exist. That impression can only be erased through meditation, pranayama and service. You are freed from that karma when the impression is erased. All this is there on the mind only. Karma is nothing but an impression on the mind. When you wake up and see that mind is a part of you and it is your mind, but you are not your mind, and you have an untouched existence which is much greater than your mind, then all karma automatically dissolves.

Q: You said that violence ceases to exist around ones who are fully established in non – violence. Does that mean Lord Krishna was not fully established in violence for a huge war took place in his presence?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The secret behind this is existence of different circumstances. One is individual karma and one is collective karma. One is karma done for the sake of whole world. When sin and injustice reached its peak, He had to take a step. It is like different dosage of medicine is given under different circumstances. For a minor headache, the dose is different. And it is different for a severe headache.
Gahana karmo gati – The movement of karma is very deep and not easily comprehensible.

Q: I had so many questions in mind before meeting you. But now, all the questions have vanished. I know that you are incarnation of Lord Shiva. Am I right?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Let us leave at least one question in your mind.
When happiness dawns, all questions automatically dissolve.

Your child should be participative in your life

A healthy child will have three kinds of trust - Trust in the divinity, trust in the goodness of people and trust in one self. A healthy child will not think that everybody is a thief or everybody is bad. He/ She doesn’t get into this sort of paranoia. A healthy child knows that people are good. A healthy child has trust in himself/ herself and trust in the unseen power of God, Divinity, some higher power. These three types of trusts can make a child genius .These are the ingredients to make a very talented and genius child. To nurture them, we need to bring about these tendencies in them.
If you keep telling children that everyone is a cheat, the child loses its trust in the people around and the society in general. Their personality, talents and communication skills will shrink. Their interaction with people will suffer a great deal. They become unsuccessful business persons, unsuccessful professionals and unsuccessful artists. They may have talents but this is the result you will get if trust in people and in the goodness of things as they are is taken away. Today, you have many young people who want to be entrepreneurs, but they are not successful. You know why? This is the reason. They don’t trust in the goodness of people nor do they trust in themselves. As parents we have to build these things in a child. Do you encourage if they come to you with complaints? What do you do? Do you encourage the negativity? Or you mould it to something positive. You have to play a balanced role. Sometimes your child comes to you and says so and so is so good, and you know that that friend of your son/ daughter is not so good. Here you have to point out their mistakes and bring them to the center line sometimes. They get swayed away by somebody and you know their habits are not so good, then you have to tell the negative things. But if they are telling you negative things about somebody, then you have to point out the positive. So, you have to have a balancing act whenever a child swings too much to the left or too much to the right. Do you agree with me? We create an atmosphere around us. If we create an atmosphere of trust and children grow in that atmosphere, they become brilliant. But, if we create an atmosphere of negativity, distrust, or dejection, they are going to reflect and bounce the same thing on us. Having come here today, I want to give you an exercise to do which I want you to do every day. When you come back from work and meet your children, the first thing you do is clap with them, or play, or laugh. It may look little artificial for one or two days. But later on, it will become a breakthrough for you and your kids. Sit and have food with the whole family, as much as possible, at least 3 to 4 times a week. And while having food, don’t tell them they are bad. While serving them food, don’t put down their moods. There is a time to tell them when they are wrong, never on the dining table.
Close your eyes for 30 seconds. Just suppose that everyone is telling you that they don’t trust you. Think no one trusts you. How do you feel?(After 30 seconds) Open your eyes. Bad, sad, unhappy! You know this is the atmosphere we create- ‘I don’t trust you, I don’t trust you’ .It is an effort to create an healthy atmosphere, I understand because your life is not only your own children. You have so many other things; you have to interact with so many other people. When you have no control over your own moods, it is difficult to make a mood or create an atmosphere just for the sake of children. But we need to make an effort. So, let us quickly go over once again. Have dinner with the kids atleast 3-4 times in a week. And when you are having food, don’t point out their mistakes or blame them. See that their mood is uplifted. See that their personality is developed such that they don’t feel the generation gap. They interact with elders as well as youngsters. Give them some responsibility of youngsters and sometimes some responsibility to do something for older ones by which you can bridge their generation gap.
Make sure that they have little bit of both science and arts. If you find your child is too much oriented towards music and arts and doesn’t care for science, then you put in little effort to take them to science museum or make them do some mathematics. Encourage them a little bit towards science. If they are too much into science and mathematics, give from musical side as well. It is not difficult to put them on musical side, because they always have musical or artistic side to them. But especially boys, you will have to encourage them a little more .Girls naturally have an inclination towards arts.
Engage them in some project where they are contributing, they are giving rather than acquiring or possessing. We need to do something to inculcate this tendency in children. Just small things, it doesn’t have to be anything big. See that they have three types of trust. Trust in the goodness of people. Tell them the stories or good happenings in the world not just only the negative things. Trust in themselves, encourage them. Sometimes they say, “I can’t do it”. Encourage them and tell them that they can do it. And then trust in the goodness in the society. If they grow up with the feeling of mistrust or fear, there will be paranoia. Their personality will start shrinking, they can never blossom, they can never be good communicators in the society. Trust the society and trust in divinity. A little bit of ritual is essential to create an atmosphere for children. Make them sit and do some chanting. Ask them to light a candle a lamp, some little bit of ritual is good for them to hold on. Make them to break a coconut or go to temple. It is important to root a little bit of sanskara about something that is supernatural. Don’t you think it is necessary? A faith in the unknown can take them a long way. Not too much, though, just a little bit. Make them read a few shalokas. These things will develop their personality.
When children are very positive about their friends, give them a little caution, but not too much. If they are very negative about some friends, show that that there is something positive coming out there also. In this way, you are pushing them to the center, not letting them fall on either side.
Learn from them. Don’t always stand up as a teacher. But participate with them and learn from them.

Q: How to cope up with child’s expectation when they compare themselves with others and demand those things that others have? They say that so and so is groomed well and they also want same kind of stuff.

Sri Sri :
You have to tell children that you can only give that much and they shouldn’t compare themselves with others. But it is important that you don’t give them any false hope. At the same time, we can give them a dream. If you pass or do this, may be you will get it. Here lies the importance of bringing them up with that sensitivity and belongingness. That is why I said if you participate instead of teaching them, they will not even ask you. They should be a participant in your life. Then they will be sensitive towards you, rather than putting a demand on you. Before you become a good father or mother, you need to become a good uncle or aunt. Are you getting what I am saying? You should communicate more with friends of your children. They will listen to you. Suppose, if your son’s/daughter’s friends have any wrong habit, you can influence them to change. They listen to you more than their own parents. Similarly, other parents can take care of other’s children better than their own children.

Q: There is so much competition in society that kids have no time to relax. There is a fear that they will not fit into society. How do we handle this situation? What is the mantra for excellence?

Sri Sri:
I think you shouldn’t push them too much. You should teach them to relax. That is why I said music, meditation, some games will all help.

Q: Children don’t care about their parents when they grow up. So many old age homes are there. Where do we fail as parents and what is your advice to parents so that this situation could be controlled?

Sri Sri:
That is why I am saying these three types of trust are very important – Trust in oneself, in goodness of others and in the Divine. A little bit of religion, moral and spiritual values, and the way you treat your parents and ask them to treat their grandparents can make an impact on them. So, you tell your children to take care of their grandparents. They will start doing that way.

Q: How can spiritual practices strengthen academic progress?

Sri Sri:
Definitely. you know there has been a research recently from England that the children who study Sanskrit excel in mathematics and linguistic function of their brain become so much better that these children can learn any language from Chinese to English to Russia easily. Researchers worked for 15 years and they find out these results. Three schools in England have made Sanskrit compulsory in the school. They also did research why India is Excellent in IT. Indian brain is more suitable on computer. This is because of the background of Sanskrit language. So, it is good to have your children study Sanskrit. Apart from this there are number of researches which show how doing pranayama enhance the performance of children. They feel more calm, attentive, and more alert. They are able to perceive and digest better. There are number of such benefits that have been proved. You can look into the yes+ website for the benefits that a child gets in academic field.

Q: Today, children are getting more attracted to western culture. My son gets annoyed if jeans is washed after one wear. We have to pay an extra amount to get torn jeans, that is how he loves to wear it. How can we bring a change in this attitude?

Sri Sri:
You know, all these fashions keep on changing. So, don’t worry. None of the fashion can stay forever. You create such awareness in your children and their friends. You inspire them to adopt some different styles. That is why I am telling every parent has to be a good uncle and aunt. You can’t care for your children only. You have to care for their friends. You should have at least six parties for your children at home in a year where you should interact with friends of your children. Call them all over to your house, have a pajama party, sit with them, talk to them, share stories, find out from them. If you spend one Saturday evening in two months, you can make a great difference.

Q: Please give guidance on parenting special children. What can be done for them through the ‘Art of living’?

Sri Sri:
You simply serve them. Don’t pity them. You know, people with special needs, their soul is in a different state. They are not in a sorry state. They have come to this planet just to take service. With this attitude, you do service. Never have sympathy – ‘oh poor child’. Children with special needs have come just to take service from you.

Q: How do we know children are into drugs or just moody?

Sri Sri:
This you can find out. That’s why it is important for you to know them and their friend circle. You will get to know what they do, where they go, keep a tab on them, especially teenage. It is very difficult time. They are undergoing such a biological change. So, they are not just satisfied with the love of their parents, their body is discovering new things. They are looking for some love from outside – an emotional support, a physical pleasure. Their mind is in such confusion. So, to deal with teenage children is a big task. That’s why we have this yes and yes+ course, which is for teens. I tell you, these courses have opened up children in such a way which I cannot even describe.
In one of the courses in New Delhi, 1000 youths participated. We asked a question, “whom do you hate foremost?” 80 percent said their professor, 75 percent of them said the second most hated is their parents. In this country where we say, Maatra devo bhava, pitra devo bhava, aacharya devo bhava, atithi devi bhava, Mother, father, teachers and guests are considered such ideals and manifestations of Divine. It is appalling to see them start hating them. We don’t want violence and stress in our education system at any cost. We do not want gun culture as is happening in America. There is so much violence in class rooms there. Present year report says that campus violence have tripled in America from what it was in 90’s. So, it is very dangerous and we do not want this thing in India. That is why we need to bring moral and spiritual values, ethical values of compassion, friendliness and love.

Q: youth is so aggressive. We give them everything they ask for, yet there is no satisfaction. They are so hyperactive. How to mellow down such hyperactive kids especially when they are hurting others?

Sri Sri:
Just bring them to yes and yes+ course. When these kids in Delhi do the course, their parents were wondering what we had done to their kids. They have become so nice. They never thought about the kind of transformation that they saw in their kids after the curse. The same kids who earlier said they hated their parents started caring about their parents, sending them notes expressing their love for them, and asking them what can they do for them. There was total transformation in these kids. In 43 universities of America, yes+ clubs are there. In Cornell University and several other, it is credit now. So if you do yes+ course, do meditation, practices, you get credit. World is recognizing this now and better India start doing it. We will have to teach them meditation and ways to manage their own negative emotions.

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

Connection is a matter of heart, explanation is a matter of mind

6 June 2010,
Bangalore Ashram, India

Q: You say that we are all connected. But I feel more strongly connected to you than others. I am sure this is the experience of many of us present here. Can you please explain about that?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
What is it that you want me to explain? Connection is a matter of heart. Explanation and understanding is a matter of mind.

Q: Some of my colleagues talk ill of the ‘Art of Living’. I don’t like this but I ignore them. Can you please guide what should I do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
What is it that they can talk bad of us? There is nothing. That is all their imagination. You keep on doing what you can. They will also realize. This had also happened with so many saints in the past. Some people liked them and got benefited after getting the knowledge, and some others didn’t like them. How does it matter?
We are teaching. One thing that some people say is why the ‘Art of Living’ courses are paid. ‘Art of living’ is an education. Do you think education should be free? Will people value free education the same way? If education should be free, then all education like medical, engineering, journalism should also be free. If all others are not, why should spiritual education be free? There was concept of Dakshina in the past also. Unless you give dakshina, your education is never complete. And we do so much work in society with the money left after course expenses.
Also this shows how much more work we need to do to improve the society.

Q: What are effects of Past life karma on the present life? I feel I have done sins in past.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Don’t waste your energy thinking too much on past life karmas. Use your energy to come out of the present problems.
‘Om Namah Shivaye’ mantra, pranayama, Satsang..– All these take care of your previous karmas. Surrender all your sins and move further in life.

Q: Guruji, I am not able to concentrate for my mind is very flickering and playful. What should I do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Let the mind go wherever it wants to go.

Q: I lose my temper easily while doing day to day activities, especially if somebody talks bad. What should I do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Keep your mind calm. But if somebody talks bad, be alert. Reply if needed, but without disturbing your mind. Service, Satsang and sadhana help you keep your mind cool and calm. And know that – Satyamev jayate (Truth always wins). You should not be bothered about events. Keep your mind cool, and continue with this policy.

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

We need to bring child like beauty and innocence back into our lives

Peter Maffay Conference, Germany
May 2010

We are all children in some sense. I wish we are more of a child than an adult. You know, a child smiles 400 times a day, adolescent smiles 17 times and an adult does not smile at all. There will be very less conflicts in the world if people in the world can only smile more.
We have been discussing the problem of violence and conflicts in the world since morning. What is the solution? Where are we heading to? We grew up with the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi. We used to attach pride in being non-violent. Unfortunately, today, the pride is associated with aggression and violence. Someone who is aggressive and loses temper easily is considered heroic in schools and colleges. We need to make the shift from attaching pride to violence to attaching pride to non-violence. We need to give our children a world vision of violence free and stress free society.
I am sure we can achieve this by five things in our hand:
1.First thing is music and dance.
2.Second is - sports. With the advent of computer and video games, children don’t go out and play as they used to do before. They lock themselves up with the video games, most of which are violent. We need to give an orientation to function more in sports.
3.Third is travel. We conduct programs in India, America, sometimes in Europe, Poland, Germany, also here in black forest, where we bring children from all countries together for a week. Many times, they speak their own language, but just being with each other creates such a bonding between them that the barriers melt down and they feel at home.
We should help them travel around and communicate with people of other cultures and religions.
We need to give children multi-cultural and multi-religious education. I feel all the children should know a little bit about all the knowledge in the world – Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Shaoism, Shintoism. A little bit understanding of all the major religions and cultures of the world help them grow up with a broad mindset. Even if a small part in the world is left with people thinking that only they are right, the world will not be a safe place to live. The sense of belongingness, that we belong to one global family in spite of different colors, language and food habits, has to be developed in children and youths.
4.Fourth thing is involving kids in some service projects. There is such an opening that happens in youths when they are associated with some service project.
5.Then is Yoga and meditation. I have made yoga so secular that people from any religious background have no objection in doing it. It is just some breathing techniques and some postures, not attached to any belief system.
Our breath is linked to our emotions. For every emotion, there is a particular rhythm in the breath. So, when you cannot directly harness your emotions, with the help of breath you can do that. If you are in theater, you would know that a director asks you to breathe faster when you have to show anger. If you have to show a serene scene, director would tell you to breathe softer and slower. If we understand the rhythm of our breath, we are able to have a say over our mind, we can win over any negative emotions like anger, jealousy, greed, and we are able to smile more from our heart. I think we need to bring the child like beauty and innocence, that God gifted every human being, back into our lives.
Now, I want to narrate an incident. Two years ago, we had a group of 200 youths from Arab countries that came to Bangalore. At the same time, we had about 35 youths from Israel also. When youth from Arab came to know that there were youth from Israel also, they turned to be so violent, wild and angry that they were ready to pack their luggage and leave. But it took us less than couple of hours to sit and talk with them, during which they learn some breathing exercises, meditation and a little bit of yoga, and they become such good friends at the end of the third day. At the end of the week, the two groups had tears in their eyes while departing from each other. Their experiences are worth listening.

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

The will to silence the mind itself pays in many ways

Q: How can I free myself from fears that seem to have settled into me years ago? I know they are irrational and just in my head. Yet here they come up over and over again. They are distracting and feel binding to me!

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Meditate! Sit quietly and meditate, or listen to some chanting music. All this will help. Meditation, some pranayama, kriya, some excercises, ujjayi breath are very good for fears. Don’t think that fear is somewhere deep inside you. It is an erroneous notion of Psychology that fear and guilt are deep down. I tell you, deep down there is only a lot of joy; a lot of bliss. And in that centre – no fear, no guilt, no anger, no lust can touch you. Deep down you are wonderful. So never think you have all these anxieties. Those who say that there is something wrong deep down are blind. It is all there just on the surface. If they call that deep, then I will suggest to go deeper. In the centre of your being, you are a fountain of joy. Saying, “Oh! My Mind! Deep down there is anxiety!”is ignorance; a wrong idea and concept. The moment you accept these words as truth, it starts becoming more difficult to get over those emotions. They become more permanent there. Do you see that?

Q: Guruji, how do I silence my mind?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
The will to silence itself pays in many ways. Meditation and Sudarshan Kriya helps, too.

Q: Is there any maximum limit to how much we can meditate?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Just do as much is necessary. There is no need to do too much. Meditation is like taking a bath. To wash the mind, you need meditation. And once the mind is clean, you will be well.

Q: Why do I lose concentration when I meditate?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Concentration is not meditation. Meditation is de-concentration. It is letting go. Meditation calms the mind. It feels good. But in our daily life we have to handle paying bills, parking tickets and other mundane things. How can we do this with the same calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?
You take shower in the morning to clean your body. After that you do all the daily activities. You don’t have to keep on taking a shower throughout the day. It is like that. You meditate and calm your mind, then go on with other activities. It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed but it will happen if you keep doing the practices regularly. Then keeping yourself calm will become easy.

Q: What should I do with the conflict in my mind?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
The moment you realize that there is so much conflict in your mind, your eyes open. Satsang and pranayamas can put an end to it.

Q: Guruji, how can I focus, have a vision and still be in the present moment?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Do not think that having a vision is contradictory to living in the present moment. You can have a vision and be in the present moment. Being totally in the present moment can give you a better vision and focus for the future.

Q: How can we overcome fear of death?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
By doing meditation.

Q: I have fallen because of such a big ego. What can I do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Never mind! If you have recognized that you have fallen, you will rise higher. That is good enough. You have recognized that your ego has been the hindrance. But now don’t fight your ego. Just keep it in your pocket. Let it be there. Don’t try to do anything with it. Say, “I like it” and let it be there. If you don’t like it, give it to me, but then, I would like you to keep it with you. You know our effort in trying to erase our ego becomes another big problem. You have enough other problems to solve anyway.

“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar